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By Paige Huh

Let Light Break through Darkness by Abiding in Him

Photo captured beside my bedroom window in Temple City, California.

Through our our house, my husband and I have several mason jars of water with ivy clippings, given to us by my mother-in-law, which have added a little touch of fresh life to our home.

After some time of bringing these plants into our lives, I noticed that the ivy by our bedroom window had grown significantly more than any of the others we've propagated. Why? Because it has light flooding over its leaves everyday. Even when I leave the curtains closed, the light still penetrates through, bringing nourishment to the ivy and helping it grow. It is amazing to see the difference between this ivy, which is thriving and brimming with life, and another clipping of ivy in the corner of my room that gets very little light. That poor little ivy is small, with just a few lone surviving leaves.

The way the ivy by my bedroom window grows vibrantly through the light of the sun, has become a sweet reminder to me that being in the light of Jesus Christ is what brings abundant growth.

"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me." (John 15:4 ESV)

P.S. “The Sower's Song” by Andrew Peterson is a beautiful song about bearing fruit through abiding in the Lord.

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