Photo captured at Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles in the spring of 2020.
“Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:30-31, English Standard Version)
Earlier this week, I wrote another post about Isaiah 40:30-31. I talked about how we are strengthened by waiting on God, and relying on His strength, not ours. It is then that we can run and not grow weary.
The ESV version of Isaiah 40:31 also says that in waiting on God, we will "mount up with wings like eagles."
According to this article, "...when eagles are flying long distances, especially on migration, they often soar on thermals until they reach a great altitude, and then use the gliding/soaring method of flying to cover the longest distance using the smallest amount of energy" (Journey North, 2019).
What are thermals? This article explains that they are air bubbles created when the earth is warmed by the sun and the above-ground air expands. These warm air bubbles ascend from the earth's surface and lift eagles upwards in the sky so they can soar without expending their own energy (Journey North, 1997).
This insight about how eagles fly gives me new meaning into what it means to "mount up with wings like eagles" when we wait on God.
For eagles, is not by their own strength in flapping their wings, but in gliding along thermals that they can sustain their journeys through the sky. Without thermals, they cannot soar. And what is the source of light that creates these thermals? The sun. Similarly, our strength to soar through the winds of life is the Son of God, the Lord Jesus Christ. The light of His Word and presence are what sustain us, even through darkness and storms.
So as we wait on God, let us allow His light to shine over every trial, struggle, and fear and lift us up so that we can truly "soar on wings like eagles," being carried by His sustaining strength.
P.S. In light of the analogy of soaring like and eagle, this song "Still" by Hillsong is so encouraging. It says, "When the oceans rise and thunders roar, I will soar with you above the storm. Father you are King over the flood. I will be still, know you are God."